Saturday 23 June 2012

 Hello people :D We're the awesome two! This is our first blog entry and well we shall do an intro about us ^^teehee
[Ps : Melissa is on the left and Amanda is on the right c:]

This is Pure RANDOM-NESS!

Aloha I'm Amanda <3  Basically im just erm really random and stupid at times :b
Don't judge me if you don't know me !
okok here's the bio thingy :

Name : Amanda Tan :3

Age : 13
Birthday: 16th January [gimme presents!]
Height : 165-167cm(?)
Weight : 45-47kg ><
Blood Type : A+
Place of Birth : Singapore la! xD

Really love pink though <3

Judging from the way i cam whore you can see how bored I am at home and random xD
Here's some fact about me !
I loveeeee Pink <3
I really hope i can become a singer(k-pop artist(?)) but if i could just live a really simple and happy life i would be fine with it !

Ohaidere! I'm Melissa
If you wanna get to know me , you can read my bio !

Here's my bio :

Name : Melissa Poh

Age: 13
Birthday : 20 September
Height : 164cm(?)
Weight :-not telling :b-
Blood Type : B i think
Place of Birth : Singapore


More about me
I <3 Blue and purpleeee
Im crazy , hyper , emotional , if you pissed me off you die bitch !
Taking pictures is my thing
I wanna live a simple and carefree life ~~ thats all i wish ya' know?

      Thanks for viewing our blog ! We'll update soon!